Monday, January 25, 2010

Free Workout with Jogging Strollers in Sarasota, Fla...

Kristen Horler, founder and chief executive of Baby Boot Camp LLC, a mall-walking group for mothers and babies in strollers, runs power-walking sessions at malls in Sarasota, Fla., five days a week. This month, "there are definitely some newcomers there, or as I'd like to call them, rookies," Ms. Horler says.

The problem is that neophytes don't know the unspoken rules of mall-walking, which include moving single file. Often Ms. Horler will see people walking together and taking up the whole aisle.

"And here we are coming up in a line with our strollers," she says, adding that her group tries to be polite and calls out warnings, such as "passing on your left."

In this economy, strolling the halls at the mall can make a lot more financial sense than that pricey gym membership. Indeed, many people have recently cut back on their fitness budgets. For instance, sales of traditional home fitness equipment such as treadmills and elliptical machines declined 10% in 2008 from the previous year, according to the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association, an industry group.

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