Thursday, February 25, 2010

What Stroller to choose for Infants...

Parents want the best accessories for their newborn, make them comfortable, healthy, and stimulate correct development.
First stroller is very important, because your infant will use it often and that’s why the stroller has to meet the newborn’s all needs.
Because infants can’t sit up without support, they can’t ride in a standard baby stroller that is, one that doesn’t fully recline.
For this age group, infants through 6 months old, you will find the following options:
1. Car seat carrier frames ( snapngo models)
- you can find single or double snapngo frames to accommodate one or two babies, great for twins. These lightweight frames have no seat of their own. Instead, you attach an infant car seat for strolling.
They are compact and convenient and inexpensive because your car seat does double duty. They let you smoothly get a sleeping baby in and out of the car. It is very convenient for parents and comfortable for newborn, makes transferring baby without disturbing his nap or sleep. Snapngo stroller is practical for today’s busy parents.
2. Travel system
- these models combine a baby stroller and an infant car seat. The baby rides in the car seat snapped into the stroller until she can sit up, and then you can use the stroller alone without the car seat.
Travel systems are very convenient for traveling needs and also for everyday use, they are practical and comfortable.
On today’s stroller market you can find different styles, classical or sport, all-terrain models. Some strollers are equipped with a seat that fully reclines, so you can use it as a carriage (without the infant car seat)
You can also create your own travel system by combining a car seat and stroller and buy them separately, but it can be cheaper to buy a travel system as a unit rather than as separate components.

3. Combo strollers
- these are a combination carriage and stroller. Before your baby can sit up, you can use the stroller’s bassinet, after that, use the stroller seat attachment to wheel your baby around.
You can start using the stroller from day one, and because is designed for infants through toddlers (up to 40 lbs.) you may not have to buy more then one stroller. Combo strollers tend to be pricey. They are more popular in Europe.
4. Carriages (Prams)
- these models, usually expensive, provide sleeping space for infants. Some have large spoked wheels and bassinets that can be removed to make way for a compatible stroller seat (sold separately). Prams are pricey and not very portable or user friendly. These models are hard to maneuver on public transportation, and you can’t put them in a trunk of your car.

Picking a perfect baby stroller is not an easy decision, especially for new parents. I hope that my article helps to make that decision for some parents. It is important to realize what's on the today's baby market and compare that to your needs and your budget.
I hope you enjoy my post and please leave your comments and feedback, or questions to our child psychologist. We try to help with any concerns.
Please visit our other blogs about baby accessories, tips for parents, and resources:
Our website is offering a wide variety of baby strollers, bassinets, co-sleepers, and bicycle trailers. We follow closely all recalls in baby industry and child's safety and comfort is our goal!

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