Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Baby Planners

Between 60 and 70 baby planners have started offering services in the United States in the last few years. Baby planners offer researched recommendations on baby products, like strollers, baby bassinets, and cribs, and make referrals to and do interviews with possible nannies and midwives.
Many clients are busy professional women or pregnant women who live far away from their families. Baby planners charge rates from around $50 to $150 an hour or by packages, which can cost several hundred to several thousand dollars.

But there also can be opposite pressure from the longtime idea that parents should want to do everything for their children, said Parenting magazine senior editor Christina Vercelletto. "A lot of it has to do with the expectation that anything to do with a baby is something that a mother should want to do," she said.

Vercelletto said baby planners can alleviate stress and be useful to parents who can afford the services, but there are plenty of other good resources available, such as advice from friends and family, for parents who can't pay for any extra help.

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