Thursday, December 17, 2009

Baby, Stroller + Cell phone, I Pod...= Quality Time Spend with Your Child?

I got some reflection about babies, parents and a quality of the time they spend together.
I see lots of parents pushing strollers with their babies and talking on cell-phones, texting or listening to music on I Pods... My reflection made me ask the question: are technical gadgets driving us from spending quality time with our kids?
Giving attention to children and spending time with them is very important to both, you and your kids. There are many benefits coming from the quality time that we spend with our children, regardless from their ages. Kids need our attention always, when they are infants, toddlers, at school age, and after that...
Sometimes we forget about this. We take our babies for walk in strollers but somebody calls us so we answer the cell-phone and talk for a a few minutes or while strolling we listen to music coming from our I Pod, or texting... instead of entertaining our kids, talking to them, and answering their questions. Children always have many questions to us but do we have time to answer them?
I think we parents should leave our gadgets at home when strolling with kids or not use them. Spending quality time with children will benefit in their development, mental and emotional. It will also benefit us in many ways.

I wonder what do you think about the topic? please leave your comments.
Our child psychologist at can help you with any questions regarding the topic. Please feel free to contact us.

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