Saturday, April 17, 2010

Three Baby Strollers on the "No Buy" List

The consumer watchdog group says the strollers pose a safety risk to children.

The directive comes after the strollers failed Consumer Reports testing.

The three strollers that Consumer Reports is saying don't buy are, the Valco Baby Tri-Mode, Tike Tech City x3 All-Terrain Stroller and the Tike Tech x3 Sport Jogging Stroller.

The problem is something many parents might not be aware of.

"The danger here is if the child's torso slips underneath the bar but the head gets hung up," explained Consumer Reports

The American Society for Testing and Materials requires that if there is enough space for the child's body to pass underneath the stroller tray or grab bar, then there must be enough space for a child's head to pass through as well.

Consumer Reports tested the strollers using a ball to represent a child's head.

"This ball should pass through underneath that bar under its own weight. It doesn't so it fails to comply with the industry standards," said Consumer Reports.

So far, the manufacturers of the strollers in question say they have received no reports of any injuries involving their strollers.

Consumer Reports says it will pass its findings on to the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Please visit our site for a great selection of safe baby strollers, we follow closely all recalls and recommendations.
Our other blogs about baby accessories and their safety are

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Baby Stroller Stealers Arrested in Toronto

Finally Toronto police have arrested a woman who is wanted for allegedly stealing a baby stroller that was posted on Craigslist.

Emma Luck, 22, was charged on Tuesday with 12 counts of theft under $5,000. Luck, along with 25-year-old Michael Pavlova, allegedly stole high-end strollers from their victims' front porches.

The owner of the $750 stroller, Lindsay Taylor, had it stolen on March 13, and found it for sale on the Craigslist website a day later. He staged a sting to get the stroller back.

Taylor and a friend met up with the seller in a parking lot and took pictures of him along with a woman with him.

He took the stroller back and said that he recognized it from the chalk marks made on it by his son.

Police say that Pavlova is wanted for theft under $5,000 and possession of property obtained by a crime.

Police issued an alert last October in one area of the city advising parents to keep strollers inside or locked up due to a rash of thefts.

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Friday, March 19, 2010

Baby Stroller Stealers Wanted in Toronto, Canada

Manhattan Beach Police tracked down baby stroller stealers lately and they ended up in the custody.
Hopefully stealers from Toronto will end up similar way...

When a Toronto man's pricey stroller was stolen last weekend he turned to Craigslist to find a new one, only to find that the thieves had listed his own Bugaboo the very next day.
Toronto, Canada - On Saturday the victim's baby stroller was stolen. On Sunday he found it for sale on Craigslist. On Monday police responded to the victim's call after he had made contact with the thieves and taken their pictures. Michael Pavlova, 25, is wanted for theft under $5,000 and possession of property obtained by crime under $5,000. A second suspect is also wanted. She is described as a white woman with short, brown hair with blonde streaks. Constable Isabelle Cotton said during a phone interview that these strollers are the "Cadillac of strollers." "We have had a lot of trouble with people stealing these strollers in Toronto. There is a big market for the parts and the strollers themselves. I own one personally and always keep it with me," Cotton added, "You can't just leave this high-end stroller when you go into a store."

So, parents, when you planning to visit Toronto, and baby stroller will be one of your accessories, keep an eye on it!
Especially very expensive baby strollers are the cases, and they don't have lo jacks to track them...

To read our other blogs, please visit

Baby Stroller Stealers Cought...

If you live near Manhattan Beach - WATCH YOUR BABY STROLLER!
There were many cases of stealing baby strollers, especially those expensive ones. We read these stories from time to time. Now it happens again near Manhattan Beach.
A man and a woman are behind bars for allegedly stealing several baby strollers, bicycles, and motorized scooters, police said.
Anthony Michael Taraszka, 33, and Michelle Renee Thompson, 31, were taken into custody after police found 16 high-end strollers, 23 bicycles, and some motorized scooters in their residence after a probation search, according to Sgt. Brian Brown of the Manhattan Beach Police Department.

The majority of the thefts occurred in and around Manhattan Beach and its neighboring cities.

So, parents, our baby strollers are not safe, when left alone. It could happen everywhere. I read that in Canada, stealing baby strollers are very common cases. Be aware, when planning to visit Canada, and the baby stroller will be one of your accessories that you taking with you.

To read our other blogs, please visit

Friday, March 12, 2010

Bamboo Baby Stroller from China

Would you like to compare baby strollers around the world?
Here is one of them - baby bamboo stroller from China.
What do you think about this model, would you stroll your baby in it?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Graco Stroller - Great Value in a Simple Model

Graco Quattro Tour Sport and Graco Duo Quattro are the best rated baby strollers by Consumer Reports. Their durability, safety, maneuverability, value, and many other features put these models over other more expensive and famous brands. Please read the article to figure out why graco baby strollers are one of the best for you and your baby...

Graco is a global baby brand and manufacturer of high chairs, baby monitors, swings and soothers, strollers, travel systems, car seats, portable playards, packnplay bassinets.

Higher price doesn’t always mean higher quality. Lots of tests made on strollers show that some economical models perform as well or even better then products costing hundreds of dollars more. You don’t have to spend a lot to get a good stroller. Graco is one of the manufacturers that make baby strollers on everyone's budget, you can find easily value without sacrificing features.

Graco Baby Strollers and Travel Systems:

Single models, Graco Metrolite, Literider, Quattro Tour, Quattro Sport, are great products. Snugrider is an option for snapngo, which you use with a baby carrier and an infant car seat. Graco travel systems are comparable with many higher priced brands. In the line of double strollers they feature tandem models- Graco Duo Quattro and Duoglider and side by side models- Graco Twin. All of them come in a nice gallery of colors and shades.

According to Consumer Reports Graco Quattro Tour Sport is the highest rated in a single stroller category. It gets an excellent score for easy of use, maneuverability, and durability, good for safety. This model has 5-point harness, one touch brakes, suitable for babies 6 months old and under, car seat compatible, trays for parents and children, extra storage, and stands folded.

Graco Quattro Tour Duo was rated the best in a double stroller, tandem category. It performed excellent for durability and easy to use, good for safety and maneuverability, 5-point harness, trays, one touch brakes, car seat compatible, extra storage, and stands folded. These are only a few features, there are more that make Graco strollers one of the best in many ways, including value and price. These models are great for their value; they can be a good fit to every budget. Don’t spend hundreds for features that you can get for much less. Graco is the brand that you can trust and consider while shopping for children’s accessories and will bring many benefits to you and your baby.
offers a great gallery of Baby Graco products, baby strollers, travel systems, and packnplays sets.

Please visit for resources, tips, and buying guides

Visit our other blogs at

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Town & Country Sports & Health Club - “Stroller X” class

Town & Country Sports & Health Club (in Wilder, KY) is currently offering “Stroller X” every Friday from 10-11am. This is a group stroller exercise class designed for parents and their baby. The class provides cardiovascular, strength, flexibility and relaxation for a complete and satisfying, fun workout. The class is Free for Health Club Members and $5/time for Non-Members. (However, non-members receive their first class free.) Please bring a sturdy stroller with safety straps (no umbrella strollers), a good pair of athletic shoes, a bottle of water and beach towel to class. (Please note: New Moms should only participate in this class once they have had their 6-week check-up and have been cleared by their doctor. Class is for babies 6 weeks old and up – as long as babies stay seated in a stroller.)

Call (859) 442-5800 or visit for more information or with questions.

If you don't have a jogging stroller or looking for one, please visit our site for a great gallery of joggers at,

We offer tips for parents, resources, and buying guides regarding jogging strollers.

If you are interested with benefits coming from exercising with your baby, please read our articles, published by Ezine at

Thursday, February 25, 2010

What Stroller to choose for Infants...

Parents want the best accessories for their newborn, make them comfortable, healthy, and stimulate correct development.
First stroller is very important, because your infant will use it often and that’s why the stroller has to meet the newborn’s all needs.
Because infants can’t sit up without support, they can’t ride in a standard baby stroller that is, one that doesn’t fully recline.
For this age group, infants through 6 months old, you will find the following options:
1. Car seat carrier frames ( snapngo models)
- you can find single or double snapngo frames to accommodate one or two babies, great for twins. These lightweight frames have no seat of their own. Instead, you attach an infant car seat for strolling.
They are compact and convenient and inexpensive because your car seat does double duty. They let you smoothly get a sleeping baby in and out of the car. It is very convenient for parents and comfortable for newborn, makes transferring baby without disturbing his nap or sleep. Snapngo stroller is practical for today’s busy parents.
2. Travel system
- these models combine a baby stroller and an infant car seat. The baby rides in the car seat snapped into the stroller until she can sit up, and then you can use the stroller alone without the car seat.
Travel systems are very convenient for traveling needs and also for everyday use, they are practical and comfortable.
On today’s stroller market you can find different styles, classical or sport, all-terrain models. Some strollers are equipped with a seat that fully reclines, so you can use it as a carriage (without the infant car seat)
You can also create your own travel system by combining a car seat and stroller and buy them separately, but it can be cheaper to buy a travel system as a unit rather than as separate components.

3. Combo strollers
- these are a combination carriage and stroller. Before your baby can sit up, you can use the stroller’s bassinet, after that, use the stroller seat attachment to wheel your baby around.
You can start using the stroller from day one, and because is designed for infants through toddlers (up to 40 lbs.) you may not have to buy more then one stroller. Combo strollers tend to be pricey. They are more popular in Europe.
4. Carriages (Prams)
- these models, usually expensive, provide sleeping space for infants. Some have large spoked wheels and bassinets that can be removed to make way for a compatible stroller seat (sold separately). Prams are pricey and not very portable or user friendly. These models are hard to maneuver on public transportation, and you can’t put them in a trunk of your car.

Picking a perfect baby stroller is not an easy decision, especially for new parents. I hope that my article helps to make that decision for some parents. It is important to realize what's on the today's baby market and compare that to your needs and your budget.
I hope you enjoy my post and please leave your comments and feedback, or questions to our child psychologist. We try to help with any concerns.
Please visit our other blogs about baby accessories, tips for parents, and resources:
Our website is offering a wide variety of baby strollers, bassinets, co-sleepers, and bicycle trailers. We follow closely all recalls in baby industry and child's safety and comfort is our goal!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Products to avoid when shopping for your Baby

New parents are quick to jump on any product they think will make life more comfortable for their baby—and easier for themselves.
I remember when I was shopping for my new baby, I knew its not going to be easy, because I wanted to get the best and the safest products on earth. It is hard especially for new, first time parents with no experience at all.
I did some research and want to share it with you.
Some items present safety risks I don't believe are worth taking. Here are four that I think you should skip:

Baby bath seat
Each year, an average of 10 babies drown while using baby bath seats. Nearly all of those deaths occurred when a parent or caregiver left the baby unattended momentarily. The problem is that these seats, intended to make it easier to hold the baby in the bathtub, can give parents a false sense of security. It’s better to use an infant bathtub for bathing and never, even for a second, leave the baby beyond arm’s reach.

Sleep positioners
These devices are intended to keep infants on their back in a secure sleeping position. But the youngest infants, for whom these are designed, are not able to roll over from their backs on their own, which makes this product unnecessary. The soft foam in the sleep positioners can pose a suffocation hazard and our medical experts don’t recommend them.

Crib bumper pads
Designed to prevent bumps and bruises, crib bumpers can create their own hazards. One study found 27 cases of infant death involving bumper pads or similarly padded bassinets. Most of the deaths occurred when the infant became wedged between the bumper and another object or when the infant’s face was against the bumper.

And since bumper pads cannot be safety secured to cribs with solid end panels and should not be used with toddlers who can stand, we think it’s best to avoid them altogether.

Sling carriers
Over the past five years, at least four babies died and there have been many reports of serious injury associated with the use of sling-type carriers. The incidents include skull fractures, head injuries, contusions and abrasions. Most occurred when the child fell out of the sling. As slings grow in popularity, so do the number of serious injuries. No safety standards exist for slings. We think you should skip the sling and opt for other types of infant carriers, which have safer track records. (Image note: The CPSC recalled 100,000 Infantino slings in 2007.)

On my website at we offer buying guides and resources for parents to make their decisions easier when they shop for baby accessories. We offer a wide variety of baby strollers, bassinets, and bicycle trailers

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Britax Blink Strollers Recall

About 14,000 Britax "Blink" umbrella strollers, made in China and imported by Britax Child Safety Inc. of Charlotte, N.C., because the stroller's hinge poses a fingertip amputation and laceration hazard to a child when the stroller is being unfolded or opened. No injuries or incidents have been reported. The recall includes all Britax "Blink" single umbrella strollers. Another 900 strollers in Canada are part of the recall. The recalled strollers were sold online and at child product and mass merchandise retailers nationwide in the U.S. and Canada from July 2009 through this month. Details: by phone at 888-427-4829; by Web at or

For more info, resources, tips, and buying guides visit our site at

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Mommy Mitten...

Mommy MittenKeep your mitts toasty while pushing baby.

Stroller-weilding moms don't have the option, even on the coldest winter days, to stuff their frozen hands into their coat pockets. No, no, steer on we must. So for those bitter mornings when mere gloves are just not cutting it, take warm, cozy comfort in this clever little invention: the Mommy Mitten. It fits over the handle of bar strollers and offers the protection of three layers: weather-proof outside, insulating middle, and soft fleece interior. Snuggly.


Friday, January 29, 2010

New Recall - Baby Strollers

Many parents take for granted the products they buy for their children are safe. But once they're on the market, it often turns out they aren't safe.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is recalling two brands of child strollers.

The problem is with the hinges. A young child can get their fingers caught in the hinge. The two strollers being recalled are:

The CYBEX stroller made by Regal Lager. The stroller's hinge mechanism could cut or amputate a child's finger if the child gets his or her finger caught in there.

The second stroller is made by Graco and goes by the names of Passage, Alano and Spree. 1.5 million are being recalled.
A child could lose a finger in the hinge.

The Graco strollers are made with two types of hinges. The recall affects only the hinge with positioning notches.

If you have these strollers please stop using them and contact the company to get a repair kit.

Our website, check for latest specials and sales!
We offer a great gallery of baby strollers, bassinets, co-sleepers, and bicycle trailers...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

New Recall in Baby Stroller Industry

The Repair Cybex strollers affected include the Ruby, Onyx and Topaz Models, according to manufacturer Regal Lager, based in Kennesaw. About 1,100 strollers were sold in the U.S., and another 90 were sold in Canada.

The strollers' hinge mechanism poses a fingertip amputation and laceration hazard to the child when the stroller is being opened, according to information on the company's Web site.

The company has received one complaint of a child placing a finger in the hinge, resulting in a fracture.

The strollers, which cost between $140 and $260, were sold in department and juvenile product stores across the U.S. between August and November, according to Regal Lager. Those who own the strollers can contact the company for free hinge cover retrofit kit.

For more information, contact Regal Lager at 800-593-5522 or go to the company's Web site at

The Ruby, Onyx and Topaz models of the Cybex Strollers are being recalled due to a hinge that could injure a child's finger.
Regal Lager The Ruby, Onyx and Topaz models of the Cybex Strollers are being recalled due to a hinge that could injure a child's FINGERS.

Hope that info will be useful for families that own that kind of baby strollers.

Please visit our website for resources and buying guides. Our website follows closely all RECALLS. We offer a wide selection of baby strollers, bassinets, and bicycle trailers.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Baby Strollers for Parents to use waiting at the Paris Airport...

Here's a small innovation that will be a big relief for overburdened parents traveling through sprawling Charles de Gaulle airport. Forty free strollers are now available at Terminal 2E, which is used by carriers such as Northwest, Delta, and Air France. (American Airlines flies into 2A.)

Take your child for a ride
[+] Enlarge photo
Take your child for a ride (Courtesy ATOUT FRANCE)
The strollers (poussettes) are located at two loan stations just beyond security and can be wheeled around the duty-free areas and right up to your boarding gate.

The France tourism office, ATOUT, reports that more than 200 people are taking advantage of the strollers daily. Stay tuned for the addition of strollers to other terminals at CDG and to Orly airport.

If you are traveling to Paris with a baby or toddler in tow, check out this Aeroports de Paris page with more resources (where to find baby changing stations) and tips (powered milk and baby food are allowed onboard).

Monday, January 25, 2010

Free Workout with Jogging Strollers in Sarasota, Fla...

Kristen Horler, founder and chief executive of Baby Boot Camp LLC, a mall-walking group for mothers and babies in strollers, runs power-walking sessions at malls in Sarasota, Fla., five days a week. This month, "there are definitely some newcomers there, or as I'd like to call them, rookies," Ms. Horler says.

The problem is that neophytes don't know the unspoken rules of mall-walking, which include moving single file. Often Ms. Horler will see people walking together and taking up the whole aisle.

"And here we are coming up in a line with our strollers," she says, adding that her group tries to be polite and calls out warnings, such as "passing on your left."

In this economy, strolling the halls at the mall can make a lot more financial sense than that pricey gym membership. Indeed, many people have recently cut back on their fitness budgets. For instance, sales of traditional home fitness equipment such as treadmills and elliptical machines declined 10% in 2008 from the previous year, according to the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association, an industry group.

Our website offers a wide variety of baby strollers including joggers and jogging strollers, please visit and check our great low prices! We offer weekly specials and monthly sales!
Our site will provide lots of info regarding baby strollers, bassinets, and bicycle trailers, please visit for latest tips, recalls, resources, and buying guides. offers a gallery of jogging strollers... offers a gallery of jogging strollers...
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Friday, January 22, 2010

If You Own any of the Latest Recalled GRACO STROLLERS and live in South Florida - bring for FREE REPAIR

Free repair service for any parents or consumers worried about any affected Graco baby stroller in light of the recent massive recall.

In response to the massive recall of 1.5 million strollers announced on Wednesday, two companies called Strolling in Style and The Stroller Doctor are offering free repair assistance to all affected product users.

Graco has determined that some of the canopies on select Passage, Alano, and Spree model strollers, manufactured by Graco prior to March 2008, could expose children to a risk of injury. Stroller owners can request the repair kit by calling Graco Customer Service at 1-(800) 345-4109 or via their website at

Once parents receive the recall kit in the mail, they can bring it along with their stroller to Strolling in Style in Boca Raton or The Stroller Doctor in Miami for free installation. Stroller owners may also ask questions or discuss concerns.

Repairs take just a few minutes to perform and all affected Graco owners are welcome to bring their stroller and recall kit in for free installation.

Who: The Stroller Doctor has built a reputation for providing skilled maintenance and repair services for strollers throughout North and South America. Located in South Florida, The Stroller Doctor staff understands the needs of active mothers, and are dedicated to providing the highest level of customer service and product support.

Please visit our website at for latest tips, resources, and buying guides.
We offer a wide gallery of baby strollers, bassinets, co-sleepers, and bicycle trailers.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

NEW Graco Strollers Recall

TODAY about 1.5 million Graco strollers sold at Wal-Mart, Target and other major retailers are being recalled after some children's fingertips were amputated by hinges on the products.
The recall by Graco Children's Products Inc. includes certain model numbers of its Passage, Alano and Spree Strollers and Travel Systems. The Exton, Pa., company received seven reports of children placing their fingers in a stroller's canopy hinge as the canopy was being opened or closed. Five children had their fingertips severed and two children received cuts on their fingertips.

The strollers were made in China by Graco and sold at AAFES, Burlington Coat Factory, Babies R Us, Toys R Us, Kmart, Fred Meyer, Meijer, Navy Exchange, Sears, Target, Wal-Mart and other retailers nationwide from October 2004 to December 2009.

In announcing the recall Wednesday, the Consumer Product Safety Commission said the strollers pose an amputation and laceration hazard to children when opening or closing the canopy. The consumers are advised to stop using the strollers and contact Graco to receive a free repair kit.

The recall involves strollers made between October 2004 and February 2008. The model numbers and manufacture dates are on the lower inside portion of the rear frame, just above the rear wheels.

This is the second major recall in recent months of strollers that led to fingertip amputations and injuries. Last November, about a million Maclaren strollers were recalled after there were 12 reports of children's fingertips being amputated by a hinge mechanism.

Please visit our website for a great gallery of baby accessories, strollers, baby bassinets, and bicycle trailers...
We offer buying guides, resources, and parental tips, what stroller to choose for your baby or children...
Please visit our other blogs at

Monday, January 18, 2010

Toxic and Untested Flame Retardant Chemicals in Baby Strollers,...

In 1972, California passed legislation requiring flammability standards for upholstered furniture and baby products like high chairs, strollers and nursing pillows. Manufacturers met these new standards by using inexpensive, toxic and untested flame retardant chemicals. These flame retardants contained hazardous halogenated chemicals similar to PCB's and Dioxins, two of the most toxic classes of chemicals, Untested in humans, these brominated and chlorinated flame retardants can cause cancer, birth defects, neurological and reproductive or endocrine disruption in every animal species studied. As a result, one state's law has become the de facto standard for the country and poses a serious threat to everyone in the nation. Californians, in fact, have earned the dubious honor of having the highest amount of toxic flame retardant chemicals in their bodies of any people on the planet.

Visit our website for a great selection of baby accessories like baby strollers, baby bassinets, and bicycle trailers...
We offer at buying guides, resources and tips for parents...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Shoplifting with Baby Strollers


Three accused shoplifters are scheduled to be arraigned today in Framingham District Court, including two who police said were pushing carriages with babies in them.

Gina Alberini, 25, of 96 Woodland Road, Ashland; Jamie Hafford, 42, of 11 Edgemont Ave., Plainville, and Steven Bunnell, 27, of 20 Linwood Ave., Bellingham, were all arrested at Walmart Wednesday at 5:51 p.m.

Police said Alberini and Bunnell were pushing carriages with young children in them as they stole clothing, a DVD player and DVDs.

All three are charged with larceny of property worth more than $250.

Our website offers baby strollers, bassinets, and bicycle trailers. Check great prices, reviews, resources, and buying guides. Check it out for weekly deals and special offers at

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Baby Strollers on Buses

"As Fournier, her fiancĂ© and their son attempted to get their grocery shopping and other errands accomplished in the pre-Christmas chill, they were told there was no room for Cody’s full stroller.

Without hesitation, they had boarded the bus near their Browning Trail home and prepared to make the shift to the Bayfield Street bus. They had no reason to expect the upcoming transfer would take longer than the typical five minutes.

The first bus that arrived was crowded and Fournier agreed without concern to take a pass on it.

After watching the next incoming bus go out of service without a replacement, she became aware that the outing was going to throw her baby’s schedule out of whack. This was more of a concern than normal, since he was in the process of taking antibiotics for illness.

“The next driver said there was no room even though there were only 10 people on the bus and the front seats had been folded up to make space for the stroller,” she recalls. After arguing without success, Fournier stepped back and watched another 20 people climb aboard."

Is it right? what's the policy about baby strollers on buses?
Would you like to leave your comments?
Visit our website at, we offer all kinds of baby strollers, bassinets, and bicycle trailers.

Monday, January 4, 2010

We are proud to feature Mia Moda Baby Strollers as a pert of our collection. This European manufacturer makes stylish, practical, and safe baby strollers and car seats. The gallery features classical, full size baby strollersAtmosferra, sitnstand style of Compagno, jogging strollers -Energi, and lightweight, umbrella kind of Facile. All of them come in nice shades and colors, including the latest Willow and Kaleidoscope.
This week we offer weekly specials that include the latest style from Mia Moda.
Please visit our website to check them out at, we also offer resources and buying guides to help parents make their decisions easier. We offer a wide selection of baby strollers, bassinets, and bicycle trailers.
Our blogs are full of information and tips, please visit them at: